Support Peace and Hope Initiative in Rwanda

In 1994, a horrific incident occurred in Rwanda against the Tutsi ethnic group as Hutu nationalists swept across the land with a mission to kill the minority Tutsi population and anyone who opposed their genocidal intentions. It was a massacre. In just 100 days, over 800.000 people were slaughtered, most of which were the Tutsi minority and included mothers, fathers, grandparents, and children. Entire families wiped out forever with unimaginable numbers of children left without parents forced to fend for themselves.

Albert Musabyimana was only 16 years old during the attack. He and his family, which included extended family such as aunts, uncles, cousins, and more, lived a happy life prior to the attacks. But when the fighting finally subsided, and the smoke cleared...only he and his 2 younger sisters survived. Having been the oldest of the surviving siblings, Albert made it his mission to ensure his sisters were able to enjoy the same prosperous and happy childhood that he had prior to 1994 but his mission did not stop there.

Albert went on to complete a bachelor’s degree at the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology and in 2005, he was selected amongst other families headed by children to receive housing as part of an initiative to support Rwandan youth that was greatly affected by the 1994 Tutsi Genocide. 

This gave Albert the opportunity to build a home for his sisters and himself. A place to begin a new life full of hope as they continue to come to terms with their tragic past.

Many in his position would feel their mission was completed. He had secured his family a home, a good education, and provided them a secure, happy life just as he had as a child. But Albert saw how a lack of education continued the cycle of poverty and despair in his community and he knew there was so much more he could do to help the children succeed in life and have hope for their futures.

Albert founded the Peace and Hope Initiative which helps vulnerable children of the deprived community and has dedicated his life to helping orphans and impoverished children in Rwanda receive the basics of life. Through his initiative, he supplies nutrition, shelter, healthcare, emotional support, and education through a school he built on the property he was awarded by the government. 

The school currently supports and educates 300 children who otherwise would have nowhere to go to advance their futures. Albert has created not only a school, but a small community of hope! Today, he needs your support to continue his mission and ensure every child has the chance at a bright and prosperous future!

Peace and Hope Initiative school only has 10 classrooms as that was all Albert could afford to create at the time. However, since its inception, the school population has grown substantially and with 300 children now sharing only 10 is beginning to suffer.