About Us

Cornerstone Foundation, rooted in the principles of generosity and selflessness, finds its guiding light in the teachings of the Lord. Our mission is to reach out to marginalized individuals, offering them free education, leadership training, financial literacy, and healthcare. Through our comprehensive approach to care and discipleship, we aim to empower vulnerable women, children, and men, helping them transcend their challenges and sculpt brighter, more hopeful futures.

For nearly a decade, we've been deeply embedded in the heart of impoverished communities across Africa, aiding countless families in Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and South Africa. Our ultimate goal is to transform lives by addressing the most fundamental human needs and rekindling the flame of hope for the future.

We firmly believe that education is the cornerstone in breaking the relentless cycle of poverty. Through our educational sponsorship programs for children , we provide them with the essential tools and skills needed to forge a path towards a brighter tomorrow. With access to primary education, high school education and vocational training, the young minds of Africa can aspire to reach their fullest potential and become catalysts of positive change within their communities.

At Cornerstone Foundation, our unwavering commitment is to make an enduring impact in the lives of those we serve. We wholeheartedly believe that our approach to empowering individuals will be the catalyst for a brighter, more hopeful future, not only for them but for all of us.

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’.” -Acts 20:35